
Randy Yin

M.S. Computer Science

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Welcome, my name is Randy. I am a software engineer from Long Beach, CA. I enjoy writing high quality software to contribute to the success of a bussiness or a team. I enjoy being out of my comfort and knowledge zone, this enables me to fulfill a passion of mines which is to learn as much as I possibly can.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

--Albert Schweitzer


California State University, Los Angeles

Graduated: August 2019

Master of Science in Computer Science

My time here has taught me the basic principles and created a solid foundation to my understanding of computer science. It has empowered and added to my passion of creating software to change the lives of many.

California State University, Long Beach

Graduated: May 2013

Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration

Leadership, management, and teamwork are many qualities I developed from my time here. It is responsible for the creation of my goal-driven attitude and my endless determination to become successfull.


Emergency Mobile Application

Mobile Application designed for Android devices. To provide users with assistance during emergency situations.

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News Feed Mobile Application

Mobile Application designed for Android devices. To provide users with news in an organized format.

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Movie Database Web Application

Web application allows the user to search and fetch information about a movie from "The Movie Database" API using React.js and JQuery.

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Movie Database CLI Application

CLI application allows the user to search and fetch information about a movie from the "The Movie Database" API using Yargs and Node.js

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Temperature Converter

A simple web application that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit. Conversion is done in real-time.

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Real Time Chat Application

This is a real-time chat application developed with vue.js and firebase. Allows for multiple users to chat with one another.

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Tip Calulator Web Application

A web application to provide users with a convienient way to calculate tip for service.

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